Frequently Asked Questions

How does online voice coaching work?

We use Zoom for all coaching.

In case you’re wondering, thanks to Georgia’s equipment, and the ability to choose music-friendly audio settings on Zoom, the audio quality for our online sessions is actually great.

Do our schedules align?

Georgia works with clients on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. 

Georgia’s hours are variably between 9:30 am and 18:00 pm, Paris time (CET/CEST)

This looks like:

  • 8:30 am – 17:00 pm UK (GMT)
  • 4:30 am – 13:00 pm US Eastern
  • 1:30 am – 10:00 am US Pacific
  • 21:30 pm – 6:00 am NZ
You can check these hours against your time zone to see if our schedules align by using this tool.
If you aren’t sure we’ll be able to find times that work together, or you have a very restricted schedule, please contact Georgia before your purchase your package!

What happens in a discovery call?

  1. You tell Georgia about why you want to invest in your voice, what you hope to learn, what music brings you joy. Georgia can help you clarify and articulate your voice challenges and goals.
  2. Georgia will tell you about her coaching style, how she’ll make that work for you and your unique goals, and the package options for working together
  3. If your voice goals are singing-related, you’ll sing the song you prepared, so Georgia can start to get to know your voice.
  4. I’ll give you feedback about what I think we could work on together, and what that would look like.
  5. You can ask all your questions!

What equipment and space do I need?

A quiet room for our session.

Set up your device (ideally a computer, but phones and tablets do the job too!) so that you can stand comfortably without looking up or down at the screen. You can prop it up on a bookshelf, kitchen bar, or mantlepiece, for example. Have a seat at hand for when we’re chatting if you like, but it’s generally easier and more comfortable to do any singing parts standing up.

If you have headphones, usually they help improve the sound quality of the connection – but also it’s fine if you don’t!

Coaching or teaching?

Our relationship is collaborative, and the motivation for my work with you is to bring out the best in you.

Teaching, to me, is more about imparting knowledge than collaboration. Sometimes we do that! If you want to learn to read music, understand vocal anatomy, learn French diction, or any number of other specific knowledge sets related to singing, we can. But most of the time, the teaching is only a tiny drop in the pool of coaching.

If you want a singing teacher who will teach you how to sing using their tried and tested method that they claim works for everyone…I am not the right person for you.

What does a coaching session include?

All coaching sessions include follow up notes, recordings/videos of any exercises we use, and you may choose to record your session too (although I only recommend this to people who know they will watch them back). 

What does a package include?

All packages include the option to contact me between sessions via WhatsApp or email for support on any questions that arise, and I can provide check ins and accountability in the ways we both know will bring you the most success.