
The Voice Studio: Your Voice, Your Self

Can I tell you a secret? Your voice already knows how to sing.

Do you want to...

Georgia Aussenac sitting at her piano, holding open a book of sheet music, ready to coach. She's wearing a big fluffy orange mohair jersey, and she's smiling.

It’s not your fault that you’re struggling.

Our voice is where we hold our emotions. So that time someone told you you couldn’t sing? (They’re wrong). That (very normal) frustration you feel every time you try and fail to sing that note? That embarrassment from that time someone overhead you crack? (Nothing to be ashamed of). Those emotional memories are sitting in your way too.

Sing with confidence: Join The Voice Studio

As your voice coach, I will work with you to develop a strong understanding of your voice and how you can access it to sing the music you love. Here is how it works:

  • You will choose the songs you want to sing
  • I will empower you to connect fully with your singing voice
  • I will help you gain confidence in using your voice with joy
  • We’ll work together to pinpoint what you want, what’s doable, and what’s easy to implement
  • We approach everything with kindness and laughter
  • What’s most important is that you feel safe

And even better, the confidence you gain in your singing will naturally carry over into the rest of your life (I can’t guarantee this but it’s what my clients tell me).

Is it time to make singing a priority in your life, to sing for YOU?

Together we will find how to connect back to your inner voice, go around, over and under all those obstacles above, and let it do what it was made for: telling your stories and expressing your emotions.

Georgia, a white woman with blonde hair is sitting cross-legged relaxed on a park bench, smiling at the camera. She is wearing a white tshirt, her pounamu necklace, and hot pink trousers. GL Voice Singing Coach
Georgia Aussenac, Voice Coach
Four women on a Zoom call, waving at the camera and smiling. The screenshot also shows the Zoom window and the purple desktop background, with the text "Studio Class: now" at the top of the screen.

Ways you can be part of The Voice Studio


The heart of the Voice Studio community

We work together to build whole, confident voices, staying true to each member’s individual curiosities and needs. 

In a nutshell:

  • Live weekly* individualised coaching sessions on Zoom
  • Video and audio messages, text support between live sessions
  • The Voice Studio Library of resources – worksheets, vocal exercises, bite-sized learning
  • Quarterly group “Studio Class”
  • Quarterly themed Karaoke/Performance Parties
  • Studio membership 12 months renewable
  • Equal monthly payments of 333€

*weekly except when it’s not – don’t worry we do take breaks!

What’s a Kea?

Kea (Nestor Notabilis) are a rare bird found only in New Zealand, in the Southern Alps. They are particularly known for their curiosity and intelligence, necessary for their survival in their challenging and ever-changing alpine habitat. Kea thrive in a community environment with other birds, and will work together to achieve a certain objective. They are social birds, whose love of new things and endless curiosity gives them a memorable reputation with tourists and locals alike.

Flying in to community and coaching

Toroa members are confident singers who want a space to connect with your singing community, perform for fun, and get some ‘top up’ or targeted coaching on a specific song. 

In a nutshell:

  • Performance-focused coaching
  • For comfortable singers
  • Up to four themed Karaoke/Performance Parties a year*
  • Making singing a priority, sorted!
  • Come to one, several or all
  • Choose your own adventure coaching packages 
  • Sing one or two songs each Karaoke party
  • Coaching from 90€

*2024 themes: Film/TV | Musical Theatre | Disney | Christmas

What’s a Toroa?

Toroa, also known as the Albatross, are a rare bird endemic to New Zealand, often seen in the Southern Ocean. They are known for their huge wingspan, allowing them to fly thousands of kilometres away from their breeding grounds to feed. Graceful and majestic, these birds have one of the longest lifespans among bird species. They can fly away from land for long periods of time, and only return for nesting during the breeding season. They nest on the Dunedin peninsular of New Zealand.

What studio members have said about our work:

"I've had half a dozen singing teachers across more than 30 years, and Georgia is the first who has not imposed upon me their own technique, but really listened to what I'm doing, and actively helped me put right what I was doing wrong. Georgia has helped me discover the extent of my range : potentially three octaves! She's given me hope at last!

Singing Student

"Georgia has a wealth of knowledge of the voice and the art of singing. And I think that she is particularly strong in finding words, illustrations and examples to bring that knowledge to life - making it understandable to and easily absorbed by the student."

Singing Student

"Georgia is a lovely person to work with, very encouraging, and she uses a lot of different techniques to work on weak spots, extend range and skills, and bolster confidence."

Singing Student

"I gained invaluable lessons in how to prepare myself to sing, how to breathe, how to approach (and therefore interpret) the songs I was preparing for an audition, and how to relax and let go, so as to give more volume. My audition went well, I was confident and a lot of it was thanks to Georgia."

Singing Student

"Having the right technique to support my voice and not strain or push has made such a difference to my vocal health. More than that, now I am able to sing things without any trouble that previously would have strained or hurt my voice."

Singing Student

When you join The Voice Studio

Join a community

Our mission is to sing what we love with confidence, taking care to look after our voices and ourselves. And most of all, we have a lot of fun doing it! 

We get to know each other through regular studio classes and performances, and you’ll love being inspired by and cheering on your fellow singers in their progress.

Come as you are

You are welcome here: all ages, stages, experiences, taste in music, singing styles, musical backgrounds. 

We celebrate you for where you come from, what you believe, your abilities and disabilities, how you identify and who you love. Studio members come from all over the world, and have ranged in age from 16 to 76. We look forward to getting to know you – we’re sure you’ll fit right in.

My promise

I will see you as a whole person. Your voice is not “just” an instrument. It’s inextricably a part of who you are.

The studio will strive to be a safe space, where you can be curious, ask all your questions, explore your voice, and of course where you can make mistakes and pull silly faces. 


Our relationship is collaborative, and the motivation for my work with you is to bring out the best in you.

As your coach, I will guide you, ask questions, help you explore and play and discover your own incredible body and voice.

You will be brave and experiment and fail and succeed, and ultimately become an independent singer confident in your own way of doing things.

And yes, my goal is that you no longer need me!