"Five ways GL Voice works to be a queer friendly space" white and mint text on a bright purple background, with a mint line graphic design. Around the text block, a photo of the pride flag held flying in the wind against a blue sky, a photo of a hand painted pride tshirt on a hanger, and a photo of Georgia Aussenac wearing the pride tshirt, a white tee with a pride flag in the shape of a heart over the left breast. She's sitting in the sun on a balcony against a blue sky.

Five ways GL Voice works to be a queer-friendly space

The importance of committing to being a welcoming singing space June is Pride month, and this year I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge that while the arts world has long been a place where queer people are out and proud, not every singing space is friendly and/or safe for all. It is something I have witnessed myself and spoken out against, and will always speak up about. I want you […]

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"The whole story, my journey as a singer glvoice.fr" white and mint text over a bright purple background. Surrounding the text box are photos of Georgia at different ages: 1. 10 year old Georgia is standing in front of a group of adults, singing in to a handheld mic. 2. Georgia, a white woman in her 20s, is in a red gown and a fancy updo, singing on a stage with a black backdrop, looking polished; 3. Georgia is singing on her living room floor, looking wistful and raw; 4. Georgia is singing outdoors at a wedding holding a mic, looking emotional.

My Story

The Whole Story There’s nothing particularly remarkable about my story – I know many people who have experienced versions of the same beginnings.  I share my story here because I think it’s important to talk about the whole story, not just the highlights. We are whole people, whole singers, and we have complex stories. Everyone has their own singing story. This is mine. (Well, the edited-for-the-internet version). Part One: Growing […]

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Create a custom warm up for singing

Do you feel like you don’t really know how to warm up your voice to sing and so you generally skip a warm up? Like, you know you should probably do something, like some hums or sirens, but you’re not sure what to do? You know your singing practice goes better when you are warmed up first, but you don’t know how to do it by yourself? Let me help! […]

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Building Singing Confidence

Confidence is a tricky thing. Confidence doesn’t come easily to everyone and certainly isn’t something that can just spring up inside you overnight. Building confidence, whether in yourself, your singing, or in other domains, takes time, patience, and effort.

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Trust Your Gut When It Comes To Singing

Do you trust your gut when it comes to your singing? (Let’s focus on singing here, so it doesn’t get too existential!) Ask yourself what feels good for your voice and what doesn’t. Do you know what you enjoy, and what you don’t when it comes to singing? Do you listen to yourself sing, and know what is working for you, and what isn’t?⠀

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COVID-19 and Singing Risk Assessment Guide

COVID-19 and Singing Factors to consider when assessing the risk of in-person singing in the time of COVID-19 I believe strongly in people being able to make their own choices. Personally, for my studio, we aren’t singing in person. This is because the risk level is too high for me and my business, personally, based on the evidence, and the current situation where I live. Singing in person isn’t high […]

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"Singing at my own wedding, overcoming my fears and doubts" mint and white text on bright purple background, with mint swirls graphic. Photos surrounding text block are of Georgia Aussenac wearing a v-neck white wedding dress with a flowing skirt, carrying a bouquet of pastel blues and pinks, standing opposite her husband with tears in her eyes, singing to her husband, and clasping hands with her husband.

Singing at My Own Wedding

Singing at my own wedding Overcoming my own obstacles to be able to sing to my husband at our wedding I never thought I’d be singing at my own wedding. When people asked me about it, I always said “Oh no, that’s too much pressure! I’d prefer to not be in performance mode on my own wedding day.” I had every excuse in the book as to why it wasn’t […]

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"Reconnect with your voice, How to get back to singing, glvoice.fr" white and mint text on a bright purple background, with mint graphic scroll. Photos around the text box are of Georgia Aussenac singing: on the left she has her head turned to the side, eyes closed with deep emotion; on the right she is sitting cross-legged on the floor with her hands clasped around her knees, wearing a red woollen cardigan and jeans, singing and looking wistful."

Reconnect With Your Voice

Do you need to reconnect with your voice? Everyone has times when they are feeling a bit down with their singing. Maybe even to the point where you’ve stopped singing entirely. Sometimes that’s because of external factors (like a pandemic!) out of our control. Sometimes it’s directly related to a singing experience, perhaps something that resulted in a loss of confidence (like an unsuccessful audition). In the context of the […]

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