8 steps to a perfect rehearsal:
If you’ve ever been part of a big artistic stage project, whether it be theatre, dance, choral, opera, musical theatre and everything in between, you know how long a full day rehearsal can be. I’ve done my fair share of these, and I wanted to share my tips on how best to survive them.
Updated July 2024
Table of Contents

Preparing for the rehearsal
1. Prepare your stuff
First things first, the golden rule of rehearsal: prepare. You and your fellow artists will get much more out of the rehearsal if you turn up prepared for the day. Learn your lines, know your lyrics, revise the blocking…before the rehearsal. If you have done the work in advance, you will enjoy the rehearsal a lot more. You will also not end up in the bad books of your fellow cast members and director, which is a bonus. Trust me on this one.
2. Dress wisely
Rehearsals are not the time to try out your new dress or jumpsuit, or to wear those lovely business trousers you just got last week that fit so perfectly. Dress comfortably, in loose clothes that you can easily move around in. This is particularly important if you will be dancing, but even if you are not, you need to be able to move around the stage and participate in any group warmups without constriction.
3. Bring the right shoes
Make sure your shoes are appropriate too! Some rehearsal spaces have dance floors and you can’t wear your shoes, so be sure to check in advance what the rules are. Some dance shoes if you have them, or some thick socks, will keep your feet happy.
4. Pack food and drink
Often you won’t have time, or there won’t be anywhere nearby, to buy things to eat and drink during the day. Avoid getting caught out by preparing your own lunch and snacks for the day. My favourite rehearsal foods are a sandwich, several pieces of fruit, something sweet like a muffin or some biscuits, cheese & crackers, and some nuts and dried fruit to snack on. Pack plenty of extra snacks – if you don’t eat them all you can always share them. Bringing a thermos with hot water and some tea bags (or filled with coffee if you prefer!) will also be a nice treat part way through the day. Finally, if you bring nothing else, do not forget to bring a water bottle.

5. What’s in your bag?
I always pack my bag the night before to make sure I don’t forget anything. Beyond the extra clothes, shoes, and food and drink, there’s some other essentials you don’t want to miss:
1. Rehearsal equipment
Whether it be your script, your instrument, your sheet music, or anything else you might need, make sure it’s in your bag. It’s always a good idea to have a pencil and eraser with you too, and I like to have a small notebook to write any rehearsal notes in.
2. Extras you have been asked to bring
You may have been asked to bring a piece of costume to show to someone, or a prop. It’s often on these full day rehearsals that the production team is able to sort out some of the details.
3. Something to do when you aren’t rehearsing
It can be a book, some work, a game, a tablet to watch Netflix on (with headphones!)…whatever takes your fancy. Just make sure you’ve got something quiet to do when you’re not required on stage.
4. Emergency Kit
Finally, I always take basics such as tissues, pain relief, lip balm, deodorant, period protection and plasters, just in case.
The rehearsal itself!
6. Arriving at rehearsal
Make sure you know where you are going, and get there on time, if not early. Arriving late to a room full of people glaring at you is not how you want to start your relationship. Work out where everything is, and help set up if you can. Many hands make light work!
7. During the day
Take notes after your rehearse a scene, and if you have any questions that aren’t urgent, consider asking them by email or at a later date, to save time. Full day rehearsals are exhausting for the directing team. You can make their life easier (and therefore keep them from getting too grumpy) by doing several things.
- Be aware of the schedule, and don’t miss your calls. Don’t be the person everyone is looking for, holding up the rehearsal.
- If you aren’t needed on stage, either watch quietly, or go somewhere else. There is nothing more infuriating for someone running a rehearsal than having to raise their voice over people chatting, and having to say ‘be quiet…’quiet please’ on repeat for hours at a time.
- If you have to leave the rehearsal for any reason, make sure someone knows (ideally the production manager) before you go.
8. Before you leave
Full day rehearsals will often go over the scheduled end time. If you absolutely have to leave at a certain time, let someone know beforehand. When it is finally all done for the day, make sure you take all your belongings, and lend a hand in packing up. The last thing the production team wants to spend their evening doing is picking up food wrappers and lost property – they are just as keen as you are to get home.
Bonus tip: Reset your rehearsal bag when you get home
This is my number one tip for staying organised during rehearsal season! Even when you’re exhausted from a long day, take 2 mins to reset your bag when you get home. Replace your emergency kit, find the prop you promised to look for, take out your food (you don’t want to find a dead banana in a week!), and pop dirty clothes in the wash.
If your next rehearsal is the next day, repack everything you need before you go to bed to save you time in the morning.Â
I hope you found this guide useful, and that it will make your future full day rehearsals more fun and easier to get through. Send it to someone who needs to up their rehearsal game!
About the Author
Georgia Aussenac is a Singing Coach specialising in fostering confidence, joy and fun for adults looking to make singing a part of their lives.
Georgia also coaches English-speaking singers and voice teachers on French diction.
With a particular passion for everything vocal health, Georgia offers Vocal SOS coaching to anyone who uses their speaking voice professionally and is struggling to keep up with the demands of their job.
You can work with Georgia online from anywhere in the world, as long as your schedules match up!