
Becoming a Kea Studio Member

We can’t wait to sing with you!

Kea Studio Members: The Heart of the Voice Studio Community

We work together to build whole, confident voices, staying true to each member’s individual curiosities and needs.

Our regular connection through weekly coaching sessions means that you can make progress from week to week, keeping your voice as a top priority in your life. We adapt our work to your needs, lifestyle, and learning styles – creating bespoke resources and communications that work for you.

In a nutshell:
  • Live weekly* individualised coaching sessions on Zoom
  • Video and audio messages, text support between live sessions
  • The Voice Studio Library of resources – worksheets, vocal exercises, bite-sized learning
  • Three group “Studio Class” sessions a year
  • Quarterly themed Karaoke/Performance Parties
  • Studio membership 12 months renewable
  • Equal monthly payments of 333€

*weekly except when it’s not – don’t worry we do take breaks!

Kea Student

Kea (Nestor Notabilis) are a rare bird found only in New Zealand, in the Southern Alps. They are particularly known for their curiosity and intelligence, necessary for their survival in their challenging and ever-changing alpine habitat. Kea thrive in a community environment with other birds, and will work together to achieve a certain objective. They are social birds, whose love of new things and endless curiosity gives them a memorable reputation with tourists and locals alike.

How we will work together

Being a part of GL Voice is about having a space and the tools to work towards your singing goals, whatever they are (and Georgia can help you work them out if you’re unsure). We work together in several different ways in the Studio:
Time Together:
Time together is scheduled in advance to respect everyone’s schedules. When we can’t make it to a scheduled time together, we switch to a different way of working together that week.
Studio Classes:

Studio classes are to workshop songs you’re working on, to discuss challenges you’re facing, to catch up and chat and support each other in your singing.

Karaoke Parties:

Karaoke Parties are for performing for each other and friends and family, in a fun, light-hearted environment where everyone gets to join in.

In Our Own Time:
We communicate and work together using different forms of communication and media.

How we communicate

There are no ‘office hours’ at GL Voice! You can communicate whenever it suits you – and I will too. Practicing at midnight and have a sudden question? Send it through, I’ll reply when I am able to!

When we will work together

I work with clients on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. 

My. hours are variably between 9:30 am and 6:00 pm, Paris time (CET/CEST)

Studio class takes place on Sunday afternoons, 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm, Paris time (CET/CEST), three times a year.

Karaoke Parties are Thursday evenings, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm, Paris time (CET/CEST), four times a year.

You can check my hours against your time zone to see if our schedules align by using this tool.
If you aren’t sure we’ll be able to find times that work together, or you have a very restricted schedule, please discuss this with Georgia when you book your trial lesson.

We work together at least* 36 weeks of the 40 weeks the studio is open over 12 months.

*Four “Off weeks” are built into the schedule. These are for when you or Georgia are completely unable to work on your singing goals, due to serious illness (can’t get out of bed) or unpredictable big life stuff.

Cancellations of live times together will either be:

  • In advance (such as holidays), and we will plan around them so you can still work towards your goals.
  • Last minute, but we can pivot to working in a different way (or you can choose to rest)
  • Last minute, and we can’t work in a different way because of serious illness or unpredictable big life stuff, so we will use the OFF weeks.

Our Studio Values

Our whole selves: You’re not just a singer, and I, Georgia, am not just a coach. We share the other parts of our lives we wish to, and we acknowledge how other parts of our lives affect and participate in and benefit from our singing.

Kindness: We are kind to each other, and especially to ourselves.

Joy: We sing because it brings us joy. We play, we have fun, and this helps our learning.

Honesty: We communicate honestly with each other, and we do our best to be honest with ourselves.

Diversity: We all have wonderful, unique, backgrounds and lives, and all diversity is welcome here. BIPOC, LGBTQ+, neuro-diverse, and singers with disabilities are welcome and celebrated.

Learning Together: We’re all learning, and we’re allowed to make mistakes, admit that we don’t know the answer, and fail. We learn from each other.

Safety: We strive to make sure the studio is a safe space, where you can be yourself, experiment, fail, succeed, and enjoy learning.

Professional Committment

Georgia’s ongoing professional development is an important part of her, and your, learning.

She is an active member and the Learner Liaison of The Speakeasy Cooperative®. As part of her role, she hosts training workshops with voice professionals from across the world twice a month, and regularly consult with colleagues for advice. She is committed to adhering to their professional code of conduct.

Georgia is also a member of the Association Française de Professeurs de Chant (The French Singing Teachers Association) and is committed to their code of conduct.