Create a custom warm up for singing

Do you feel like you don’t really know how to warm up your voice to sing and so you generally skip a warm up? Like, you know you should probably do something, like some hums or sirens, but you’re not sure what to do? You know your singing practice goes better when you are warmed up first, but you don’t know how to do it by yourself? Let me help! […]

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COVID-19 and Singing Risk Assessment Guide

COVID-19 and Singing Factors to consider when assessing the risk of in-person singing in the time of COVID-19 I believe strongly in people being able to make their own choices. Personally, for my studio, we aren’t singing in person. This is because the risk level is too high for me and my business, personally, based on the evidence, and the current situation where I live. Singing in person isn’t high […]

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