Everybody’s Talking About Jamie – Review

Firstly, let me just say that I left Everybody’s Talking About Jamie BEAMING. The songs have been stuck in my head for a month. This year I’ll definitely be including some of the songs in my teaching. I am SO glad I went to this show, and I really can’t stop talking about it. (Ask my friends!)

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"A Wicked Review, Why I wouldn't recommend Wicked, glvoice.fr" mint and white text on a bright purple background with mint swirl graphic. Photos around text block are (left) hand holding a Wicked ticket against the backdrop of the pre-show stage, and (right) Georgia Aussenac standing in front of the Apollo Victoria Theatre in London, wearing a white dress and jean jacket.

A Wicked Review

There’s a lot of fuss made about Wicked. It’s been a hit ever since it opened on Broadway in 2003. It has won many, many awards. So I definitely had high expectations.

I must admit, I was a bit disappointed. Controversial, I know! Let me explain why…

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